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Working with Task Templates


The code examples in this article is only documented with the Python API Client. While many concepts still apply for the JavaScript API, implementation details might differ.

Task templates can help you organize your workflows by building a collection of tasks to be applied for specific contexts. They can be applied to all [Context] objects for example Project, Sequences, Shots, etc...

Query task templates

Retrive all task templates and there tasks for a project:

project = session.query('Project').first()

for task_template in project['project_schema']['task_templates']:
print('\ntask template: {0}'.format(

for task_type in [t['task_type'] for t in task_template['items']]:
print('\ttask type: {0}'.format(

"Apply" a task template

Create all tasks in a random task template directly under the project:

project = session.query('Project').first()

task_template = random.choice(

for task_type in [t['task_type'] for t in task_template['items']]:
'Task', {
'name': task_type['name'],
'type': task_type,
'parent': project
