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Using entity links


The code examples in this article is only documented with the Python API Client. While many concepts still apply for the JavaScript API, implementation details might differ.

A link can be used to represent a dependency or another relation between two entities in ftrack.

There are two types of entities that can be linked:

  • Versions can be linked to other asset versions, where the link entity type is AssetVersionLink.
  • Objects like Task, Shot or Folder, where the link entity type is TypedContextLink.

Both AssetVersion and TypedContext objects have the same relations incoming_links and outgoing_links. To list the incoming links to a Shot we can use the relationship incoming_links:

for link in shot['incoming_links']:
print(link['from'], link['to'])

In the above example link['to'] is the shot and link['from'] could be an asset build or something else that is linked to the shot. There is an equivalent outgoing_links that can be used to access outgoing links on an object.

To create a new link between objects or asset versions create a new TypedContextLink or AssetVersionLink entity with the from and to properties set. In this example we will link two asset versions:

  session.create('AssetVersionLink', {
'from': from_asset_version,
'to': to_asset_version

Links on asset version can also be created by the use of the uses_versions and used_in_versions relations:


This has the same result as creating the AssetVersionLink entity as in the previous section.

Which versions are using the model can be listed with:

for version in model_version['used_in_versions']:
print('{0} is using {1}'.format(version, model_version))