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Using notes


The code examples in this article is only documented with the Python API Client. While many concepts still apply for the JavaScript API, implementation details might differ.

Notes can be written on almost all levels in ftrack. To retrieve notes on an entity you can either query them or use the relation called notes:

task = session.query('Task').first()

# Retrieve notes using notes property.
notes_on_task = task['notes']

# Or query them.
notes_on_task = session.query('Note where parent_id is "{}"'.format(

It's currently not possible to use the parent property when querying notes or to use the parent property on notes:

task = session.query('Task').first()

# This won't work in the current version of the API.
session.query('Note where is "{}"'.format(

# Neither will this.
parent_of_note = note['parent']

To create new notes you can either use the helper method called ~ftrack_api.entity.note.CreateNoteMixin.create_note on any entity that can have notes or use Session.create to create them manually:

user = session.query('User').first()

# Create note using the helper method.
note = task.create_note('My new note', author=user)

# Manually create a note
note = session.create('Note', {
'content': 'My new note',
'author': user


Replying to an existing note can also be done with a helper method or by using Session.create:

# Create using helper method.
first_note_on_task = task['notes'][0]
first_note_on_task.create_reply('My new reply on note', author=user)

# Create manually
reply = session.create('Note', {
'content': 'My new note',
'author': user


Notes can have labels. Use the label argument to set labels on the note using the helper method:

label = session.query(
'NoteLabel where name is "External Note"'

note = task.create_note(
'New note with external category', author=user, labels=[label]

Or add labels to notes when creating a note manually:

label = session.query(
'NoteLabel where name is "External Note"'

note = session.create('Note', {
'content': 'New note with external category',
'author': user

session.create('NoteLabelLink', {
'note_id': note['id],
'label_id': label['id']


Support for labels on notes was added in ftrack server version 4.3. For older versions of the server, NoteCategory can be used instead.

To specify a category when creating a note simply pass a NoteCategory instance to the helper method:

  category = session.query(
'NoteCategory where name is "External Note"'

note = task.create_note(
'New note with external category', author=user, category=category

When writing notes you might want to direct the note to someone. This is done by adding users as recipients. If a user is added as a recipient the user will receive notifications and the note will be displayed in their inbox.

To add recipients pass a list of user or group instances to the helper method:

john = session.query('User where username is "john"').one()
animation_group = session.query('Group where name is "Animation"').first()

note = task.create_note(
'Note with recipients', author=user, recipients=[john, animation_group]


Note attachments are files that are attached to a note. In the ftrack web interface these attachments appears next to the note and can be downloaded by the user.

To get a note's attachments through the API you can use the note_components relation and then use the ftrack server location to get the download URL:

server_location = session.query(
'Location where name is "ftrack.server"'

for note_component in note['note_components']:
print('Download URL: {0}'.format(

To add an attachment to a note you have to add it to the ftrack server location and create a NoteComponent:

server_location = session.query(
'Location where name is "ftrack.server"'

# Create component and name it "My file".
component = session.create_component(
data={'name': 'My file'},

# Attach the component to the note.
{'component_id': component['id'], 'note_id': note['id']}
