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Using link attributes


The code examples in this article is only documented with the Python API Client. While many concepts still apply for the JavaScript API, implementation details might differ.

The link attribute can be used to retreive the ids and names of the parents of an object. It is particularly useful in cases where the path of an object must be presented in a UI, but can also be used to speedup certain query patterns.

You can use the link attribute on any entity inheriting from a Context or AssetVersion. Here we use it on the Task entity:

task = session.query(
'select link from Task where name is "myTask"'

It can also be used create a list of parent entities, including the task itself:

entities = []
for item in task['link']:
entities.append(session.get(item['type'], item['id']))

The link attribute is an ordered list of dictionaries containting data of the parents and the item itself. Each dictionary contains the following entries:

  • id: The id of the object and can be used to do a Session.get.
  • name: The name of the object.
  • type: The schema id of the object.

A more advanced use-case is to get the parent names and ids of all timelogs for a user:

for timelog in session.query(
'select, start, duration from Timelog '
'where user.username is "john.doe"'
print(timelog['context']['link'], timelog['start'], timelog['duration'])

The attribute is also available from the AssetVersion asset relation:

for asset_version in session.query(
'select link from AssetVersion '
'where user.username is "john.doe"'