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Extending a tool

A tool is a piece of software that is used to perform a specific task with the DCC, such as publishing a scene.

The tool is defined by it's tool-config YAML configration file, pointing out which widgets to display for entering user data and which plugins to run on execution.

Modifying the launch configuration

As a first step to extend a tool, you need to modify the Connect launch configuration to include the new tool. You achieve this by creating a partial launch config that adds your extension to the FTRACK_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable that the DCC integration reads at launch. As an example, we will demonstrate how this would look like for a Nuke integration:

type: launch_config
name: framework-nuke
- ~/Documents/my-ftrack-extensions/nuke
- extensions/common
- extensions/maya

Then save this file at ~/Documents/my-ftrack-extensions/connect/framework-nuke.yml and then make sure to set the FTRACK_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable to point to the connect folder.

When Connect starts up it will search FTRACK_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS_PATH reading the launch configuration, merge it on top of the default launch config shipped with the Nuke integration, and pass on the extensions paths specified in the extensions_path key to Nuke.

Example of extending the publisher tool

With this set up, you can override extension by creating them in the ~/Documents/my-ftrack-extensions/nuke/plugins folder.

For example if you need to improve something in the Nuke script exporter:



class NukeScriptExporterPlugin(BasePlugin):
'''Save Nuke script to temp location for publish'''

name = 'nuke_script_exporter'

def run(self, store):


if export_type == 'selection':


# Custom code - create a backdrop node with the selected nodes
backdrop = nuke.createNode('BackdropNode')
# Add logic to measure the selected nodes and fit the backdrop
# ...
backdrop['label'].setValue('Imported nodes')
# Add backdrop to the selection
# End custom code


When the integrations starts up, the framework registry will scan the FTRACK_EXTENSIONS_PATH (coming from connect based on the extensions_path config key) for any extensions, starting with the first entry provided (~/Documents/my-ftrack-extensions/nuke). The custom nuke_script_exporter will then be loaded and used instead of the default one, enabling the custom functionality.

This is a high level guide and a very basic example, but it should give you an idea of how to extend the integrations to fit your needs.

Within the section, we have a provided a fully working example (with downloadable source code): Extend the Maya publisher