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Adding a new tool

You are now familiar with extensions and how to extend them, adding a new tool is a similar process.

The tools are defined in the dcc_config YAML configuration, pointing out which tools to display in the DCC menu or run at bootstrap.

New tool guidelines

Having Nuke as an example and assuming the Connect setup has been as stated in the extend tool guide, adding a new tool is as simple as:

  1. Create a new tool-config YAML file in the ~/Documents/my-ftrack-extensions/nuke/tool-configs/ folder.
  2. Create necessary plugins and widgets for it.
  3. Copy nuke.yaml in to your extensions folder (~/Documents/my-ftrack-extensions/nuke/).
  4. Edit the tools section and add your tool to it, remember to align the name with the tool-config file.
  5. Start Connect and launch the Nuke integration, your new tool should now be visible in the ftrack menu within Nuke.

For a fully working example on how to create a new tool extension, refer to the Maya reference viewer recipe.

Removing a tool

In the same way, a tool can be disabled by providing a DCC config with an augmented tools section having the tool removed.

In this example we are disabling the opener in Nuke:

type: dcc_config
name: framework-nuke
- name: publish
label: "Publish"
dialog_name: framework_standard_publisher_dialog
icon: publish
- nuke-script-publisher
docked: true
# Opener definition was here