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Extending integrations

Learn how to extend integrations through the integrations Framework.

Introduction to extensions

The framework is designed to be flexible and allow for easy customisation of the integrations - this is done through something called extensions.

An extension is a file that is loaded by the integration and can be used to add custom functionality to the integration, extensions can override existing functionality or add new functionality.

For more detailed information on extension, please refer to the extension section.

How it works

The base extension is the launch configuration YAML file, this is read by Connect and provides the necessary definitions on where to find the DCC executable, what arguments to pass, what environment variables to set and from which location(s) the integration should load its extensions.

By adding your own extensions path to the extensions_path key in the launch configuration, you can override the behaviour of the integration. Continue to read the extend tool guide for more information.

For more detailed information on the launch configuration format, please refer to the launch configuration guide.