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Plugin execution flow

The execution of a plugin involves a structured sequence:

  1. Retrieval of the registered plugin from the plugin registry.
  2. Instantiation of the plugin using the provided options.
  3. Execution of the plugin's run method.
  4. Management of exceptions arising during the plugin's execution.
  5. Logging of both the execution time and the resulting output.

Store mechanism

The store serves as a fundamental data structure within the tool-config execution process, acting as a shared repository of data among plugins. Its primary roles include:

  • Data Accumulation: As plugins are executed, they can read from and write to the store, effectively sharing and accumulating data.
  • Information Passage: The store facilitates the transfer of information along the execution chain, ensuring continuity and context preservation.

Store usage

During plugin execution, the store is interacted with as follows:

  • Data Retrieval: Plugins extract data previously set by their predecessors.
  • Data Modification: Plugins contribute to the store by introducing new data or altering existing entries.
  • Contextual Integrity: By centralizing data, the store guarantees that each plugin has access to the comprehensive context required for its operation.