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This tutorial provides a quick dive into using the API and the broad stroke concepts involved.

First make sure the ftrack Python API is installed.

Then start a Python session and import the ftrack API:

import ftrack_api

The API uses sessions to manage communication with an ftrack server. Create a session that connects to your ftrack server (changing the passed values as appropriate):

session = ftrack_api.Session(

A session can use environment variables to configure itself.

Now print a list of the available entity types retrieved from the server:

[u'TypedContext', u'ObjectType', u'Priority', u'Project', u'Sequence',
u'Shot', u'Task', u'Status', u'Type', u'Timelog', u'User']

Now the list of possible entity types is known, query the server to retrieve entities of a particular type by using the Session.query method:

projects = session.query('Project')

Each project retrieved will be an entity instance that behaves much like a standard Python dictionary. For example, to find out the available keys for an entity, call the ~ftrack_api.entity.Entity.keys method:

[u'status', u'is_global', u'name', u'end_date', u'context_type',
u'id', u'full_name', u'root', u'start_date']

Now, iterate over the retrieved entities and print each ones name:

for project in projects:

Many attributes for retrieved entities are loaded on demand when the attribute is first accessed. Doing this lots of times in a script can be inefficient, so it is worth using projections in queries or pre-populating entities where appropriate. You can also customise default projections to help others pre-load common attributes.

To narrow a search, add criteria to the query:

active_projects = session.query('Project where status is active')

Combine criteria for more powerful queries:

import arrow

active_projects_ending_before_next_week = session.query(
'Project where status is active and end_date before "{0}"'

Some attributes on an entity will refer to another entity or collection of entities, such as children on a Project being a collection of Context entities that have the project as their parent:

project = session.query('Project').first()
<ftrack_api.collection.Collection object at 0x00000000045B1438>

And on each Context there is a corresponding parent attribute which is a link back to the parent:

child = project['children'][0]
print(child['parent'] is project)

These relationships can also be used in the criteria for a query:

results = session.query(
'Context where like "te%"'

To create new entities in the system use Session.create:

new_sequence = session.create('Sequence', {
'name': 'Starlord Reveal'

The created entity is not yet persisted to the server, but it is still possible to modify it.

new_sequence["description"] = 'First hero character reveal.'

The sequence also needs a parent. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Set the parent attribute on the sequence:
new_sequence['parent'] = project
  • Add the sequence to a parent's children attribute:

When ready, persist to the server using Session.commit:


When finished with a Session, it is important to ~Session.close it in order to release resources and properly unsubscribe any registered event listeners. It is also possible to use the session as a context manager in order to have it closed automatically after use:

with ftrack_api.Session() as session:

Once a Session is closed, any operations that attempt to use the closed connection to the ftrack server will fail:

ConnectionClosedError: Connection closed.

Continue to the next section to start learning more about the API in greater depth or jump over to the usage examples if you prefer to learn by example.