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Engines extension

The engine is in charge of understanding and executing a tool-config and the plugins definied in it. It defines the workflow on how the tool-config should be executed and which type of store should be passed. The engine should only be overriden for very advance users, as the provided is already meant to be flexible and deal with most of the tool-configs structures. An engine should always inherit from the BaseEngine which contains all the connections to establish communication and be executed by the Host .

By default, named <usage> and located in the engines folder.

Here is an example of a default standard engine extension for the framework:

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2024 ftrack

from ftrack_framework_core.engine import BaseEngine

class StandardEngine(BaseEngine):
StandardEngine class.

name = 'standard_engine'

def get_store(self) -> dict:
return dict()