As its name indicates extensions are meant to extend the framework. By default, common extensions are provided in the framework-common-extensions
project. Also in each DCC framework project integration we provide the default basic set of DCC-specific extensions.
The extensions folder defines the default specific extensions for the current integration. The following list shows the current supported extensions types. All the extensions can be overriden or extended by the user. See create new framework extension example
📄️ Launch
Part of each integration is the launch extension yaml file, which is read by Connect on startup. This file contains
📄️ DCC config
The DCC config extension is a yaml file that contains the configuration for the DCC integration. It primarily
📄️ Tool config
The tool-config extension is a yaml file that defines the execution process of a specific tool. In this file is where all the plugins, widgets and options are declared to define the execution process that a particular tool should follow.
📄️ Plugin
A plugin extension is a python file that is meant to execute a specific operation within the DCC. For example is where the save a scene command, or list camerascommand are defined.
📄️ Widgets
A widget extension is a python file that is meant to visually represent a plugin, allowing the user to interact with the plugin and set the desired options to it before it gets executed. For example the widget can show a combo box where the user can select which camera to export, once selected, this will internally set the camera\*selected option in the tool-config.
📄️ Dialogs
A dialog extension is a python file that is meant to visually represent a tool-config, allowing the user to interact with
📄️ Engines
The engine is in charge of understanding and executing a tool-config and the plugins definied in it. It defines the workflow on how the tool-config should be executed and which type of store should be passed.