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DCC config extension

The DCC config extension is a yaml file that contains the configuration for the DCC integration. It primarily contains the list of tools that should be available in the DCC integration, typically added to the DCCs main menu.

By default, named <dcc_name>.yaml and located in the root extensions folder.

Here is an example of the default dcc-config extension for maya:

type: dcc_config
name: framework-maya
- name: publish
label: "PUBLISH"
dialog_name: framework_standard_publisher_dialog
icon: publish
- maya-scene-publisher
- name: open
label: "OPEN"
dialog_name: framework_standard_opener_dialog
icon: open
- maya-scene-opener

If multiple DCC configs are detected in the FTRACK_EXTENSIONS_PATH, as passed on from Connect on launch, the configs are top level merged based on the order they appear in the path.